How to get the app on your phone 


Ālaya Yoga is a web based app, which means you don't have to download it from the app or play stores. It also means we can keep improving the platform without you having to keep on updating the app in your phone.

You can still easily add the app icon to your phone, just follow the simple steps below. 


Using iOS on iPhones



  1. Open the Safari App and navigate to
  2. Click the share button at the bottom of the window
  3. Click 'Add to homescreen'
  4. Click 'Add' at the top of the next screen to confirm



Using Android devices



  1. Open your browser and navigate to
  2. Click on the three dots at top right corner, next to the url.
  3. Click on ‘Add to Home Screen’.
  4. At confirmation, click on add, and you could place the icon on the home screen manually or choose automatically.


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If you'd like assistance from a member of our team you can get in touch through our live chat.

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